The Italian golden visa for entrepreneurs
on 16/03/2016
Finally, from february 2016 in Italy too the golden visa for entrepreneurs has been introduced. The New Annual Quota Decree contemplates the release of entry Visa for autonomous workers for:
a) Entrepreneurs intending to carry out investment plans of interest for the Italian economy, for a minimum amount of €500,000, coming from legal sources, and aimed at creating at least three new work positions .
Visa for investors of relevant amounts of money was included as mean for actracting direct investments in Italy in the “Destinazione Italia” measure in 2013.
Measure 44 “Destinazione Italia”__
Problem/opportunity: visas represent a strategic tool to attract and
retain talents and innovation and should be used as an incentive for the inflow of investors, students, researchers and, more in general, highly skilled workers. Streamlining visa issuing procedures is a priority, especially in compliance with the Schengen Agreement, with a view to converting Italy into a country that welcomes inflows of skilled workers. Also tourist visas offer an extraordinary potential in terms of promoting and developing relations, with a beneficial impact at regional level. This potential must be developed through consular services capable of meeting the strongly increasing demand, especially in view of the upcoming Milan EXPO 2015. Solutions: fast-track procedures for specific classes of applicants − “Start-up Visa” for anyone choosing to start up an innovative business in Italy, providing he/she has a business plan and a minimum availability of funds (venture capital, angel investors, self-financing capability etc.); the fast track status can also be awarded by collaborating with business incubators. − Visas for investors making a sizable investment in an Italian business, capable of sustaining or increasing employment levels. A “sizable” investment can be defined according to jobs created or minimum investment criteria (for example 500,000 euros).
A country that attracts human capital. The “knowledge economy” is based on the concept of the network and on the ability of nations to be magnets of talent, in “universities, in research, in skilled work. For this reason, with Destination Italy you will not just attract financial capital, but also skilled human resources that can raise the innovative level of the Italian economy.
After a first attempt to introduce this type of Visa in 2014 and 2015 for “entrepreneurs of Companies” that carry out activities of interest for the Italian economy, that makes a significant investment in Italy, that maintains or increases the levels of income in the last “Visa Decree” for the year 2016, it points out that this type of visa is aimed at “entrepreneurs that perform activities of interest for the Italian economy, which includes the use of own resources not less than 500,000 euro and coming from legal sources, and the creation of at least three new job positions” .
Studio Papperini Relocation will be glad to assist the entrepreneurs that decide to invest in Italy, helping them in the business plan draft fitting the requestes of Italian Authorities and gathering all the documentation needed to require the Visa, maintaining the relationships with Chambers of Commerce, Immigration Offices and Consulates. This Visa will allow the applicant to have a Permit to Stay in Italy for autonomous work that will be renewable in Italy directly without any limitation.
Giovanni Papperini